Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sweet Sunday

Colin, Cason & Connor
Today is shaping up to be a wonderful day. I am over at Andrea's house with her little ones while she is up at the hospital with her sister-in-law who is giving birth to her first child. Andrea's husband is stuck at work, so Auntie Jennifer to the rescue.

I absolutely adore her children, so it is no hardship at all! Her two oldest, Connor (6) and Colin (4), are outside playing with their friends, and I am inside with little Cason, who is about 20 months. He has the most beautiful, big blue eyes I have ever seen. He is such a little monkey.

When Andrea left he disolved into tears, much to my chagrin, but they do not call be the baby whisperer for nothing! After a quick round of snuggles and soothing whispers, we plopped down on the couch to watch his all time favorite show- no, not Barney, not the mover people...Winged Migration! He loves birds. Anytime he is upset Andrea puts it on and he instantly forgets! We have been watching it for about 40 minutes now and he is still enchanted. Every now and then he turns around to me and says "burd"and smiles.

Clockwise: Connor, Colin and Cason
Colin just came in side and asked me to help him put his shoes back on. It did escape me to ask how they came off in the first place, but that is such a little boy thing. He then handed me a gum ball and asked if we could cut it in half. After I was done he looked at the two pieces and informed me that he was going to take the smaller one and "give the big one to Wes".

I have to say, she has raised some wonderful little kids.

Cason just laid a pillow on my lap and put his head down. I thought he might be ready for his nap, but no, he just wanted to snuggle for a bit. I can handle that. :o)

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