Today, I decided it was time to tackle the beast. Last night I picked up a cute black and white reminent at Walmart and thought I might try to make a curtain for my new laundry room (that I still have to share with you guys). I spent quite awhile looking at curtains, pillow cases, then fabric and just didn't see anything that caught my eye. Then I caught this pretty piece! I was a little worried about the top of it being pre-gathered, because I knew that was not wide enough to cover the window in my door leading to the backyard. I liked it enough, I figured I should take it home and give it a try.
After measuring the window I decided I was going to need to pull the gathering out in order to have enough material. I did that, washed it, dried it and ironed, then I pinned a seam of 5/8" on the sides and the bottom.
Next, the hard part. The sewing machine. *gulp* We stared at one another for quite awhile. Don't let a sewing machine fool you. They may seem sweet and innocent, but trust me, they are secretly very tricky! It took me about an hour, carefully following instructions in the book, but I managed to thread the bobbin, the needle, select a stitch and begin to sew.
Once I got all the technicalities worked it, it wasn't too bad! I managed to get the thread tangled a few times, not quite sure how that happened or to prevent it from happening again. Overall, I am thrilled with the result. Granted, a curtain isn't that hard to make, but I am pretty darn proud of myself!
What do you think? And what was the first thing you sewed on a sewing machine?

I like the curtain! You gotta start somewhere. My first project was a small pillow I made on my grandmother's machine. I don't won a sewing machine right now, but I'll probably get one this year. I have and entire tub of fabric waiting to be useful. Keep it up!