Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's a beautiful day out today...

I have to admit, I am apparently losing track of my days! This not working thing is really throwing me off. I have been rushing around all morning getting ready for my doctors appointment with my workers compensation doctor at 1:00, come to find out it is actually at 2:00...tomorrow. All I can do is laugh at myself.

I would make the trip into town anyways, but since I have to be there tomorrow, might as well save the gas. -_-

The last few days I have been reading A Suitcase and Stilettos and am just loving Megan's blog. She has been all over the world and has so much life experience, which is exactly what I am craving right now! I am enjoying living vicariously through her. She moved to Norway to live with her boyfriend this summer and is currently journaling about her new life.

I am surprised at how many American women have moved to Scandinavia with to live with their Scandinavian boyfriends! As most of you know, I find the blond haired, blue eyed men delectable and have to ask, where are they meeting all of these beautiful men?! I met a few while in Los Angeles, but alas they are either married or famous.

Of course my ideal man would look something like this ----> , which leaves me to wonder, is there some sort of Swedish exchange dating program? Hmmm....

Speaking of Swedish men makes me reflect on their style of pants, and while I am not a big fan of skinny jeans, with this man the tighter the better! :o)

This evening I am going to be meeting up with my Aunt, Uncle, cousin Darin and his kids over pizza. Believe it or not, I am not craving the pizza but the salad bar! Round Table has a great salad bar and I love their ranch dressing. Yum!

So what is your favorite pizza place or who do you think makes the best ranch dressing?

1 comment:

  1. this was such a sweet shoutout!!!! thank you so much!!! (and i met my norwegian in vegas LOLLLL)! :)

    i tried to send you an email, but i couldnt find your email address or couldnt reply back to your previous comments...so ill just write here :)

    you should totally consider moving abroad! it is SUCH a simpler pace of life and the most incredible experience in the world! there are things to learn and people to meet all over, so i would not let anything hold you back if you can help it! you should totally send me an email at asuitcaseandstilettos@gmail.com and we can chat :)


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