Friday, December 16, 2011

I want this outfit!

I can't even put into words how much I am drooling over these Steve Madden boots! I saw them for the first time on Pinterest and I must have them!! I put together this outfit, what do you think?

This would be the perfect outfit! Love it!
I could also use a new pair of black boots and while I was checking out the Steve Madden's I found these.

Happy sigh. Won't Santa bring me a whole bunch of new shoes this year?


  1. LOL! I want the same boots! Pretty Please Santa! Great Outfit! Now I have a fashion consultant/buyer! Love it!!! Thanks for your sweet note earlier and I'm smiling EAR TO EAR about you having my button on your page! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

    Aimee from ItsOverflowing
    Your Bloggy Friend


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